Nokia 2310 Original Battery
Nokia 2310 Battery Capacity = 1020mAh
Nokia 2310 Battery Life (Expected) = 2 Years
Battery Price = Rs. 700 (Final)
Cash on Delivery Available (Delivery Charges in Advance)
Calling Number is 0300 9404020
This is Nokia 2310 Genuine battery to replace your old weak battery not giving proper timing. This battery is in good health and gives you good backup. After installing this battery your overall experience will be good.
We import original nokia batteries. Buy Nokia 2310 battery online and cash on delivery at your doorstep.
Battery Specification:
Brand Name: Nokia
Battery Capacity = 1020mAh 3.8Wh
Voltage = 3.7
Cell Model = 1|CP6/34/50
Quality = Genuine
Quantity = 1 Piece only (Well Packed)
Type = Removable / Rechargeable
Cell Chemistry = Lithium ion
Made By = HMD Global
Made in China
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